Alligators 'n Roadkill

Alligators 'n Roadkill
On The Road


Saturday, April 10, 2010

This is too good not to share!

Talk about weird. After all my earlier ranting, this afternoon I received this email response from ICE. This is in response to a message that I left them, back on Jan. 15, 2010. I received it at 3:15 this afternoon. It comes, incidentally, and maybe just a little bit ironically, from their “Virtual Agency.” Really, the only link on their web site to anything remotely resembling help, questions, whatever, leads to a page called: Agencia Virtual.

My question to them, asked, in Spanish: Don’t you have a telephone number that I can call when I have problems with the internet of the 3g/Kolbi? A service department/technical department, something like that?

Their answer, today:

Excuse the delay in the answer, [due to] problems out of our control... I expect that your [question] consultation has been [misplaced until] an evacuee to today; but, perhaps because some of our other [functions] by now your service is functioning normally. We thank you again for your inquiry [consultation], if has some other comment or questions do not hesitate in contacting us.


  1. Babelfish or Alta Vista gone wild. Amazing that anyone believes a computer can do an understandable translation. Maybe not that amazing, I actually paid for some software to do that. There's one born every minute.

  2. I gusess they are just a little backed up.

    I used to ocassionally have a drink at a local bar with a group of guys who work at ICE. One of them claimied to have not actually seen his direct supervisor for a year, just brief phone calls.
