Alligators 'n Roadkill

Alligators 'n Roadkill
On The Road


Sunday, April 4, 2010

And, now you have it..........

Sept. 22, 2009
Late notice, but better late than never, right? We have now received our cedulas (less than one week after our appointment at La Migracion, which was on Sept. 7), and have signed up for La Caja as well. Presently, we are in the states for our oldest son's wedding the first weekend of October. Will continue with finishing touches on the house upon our return. Still need to pursue a phone connection, and set up the LPG cylinders for our kitchen stove (that's right; more than a month after buying a very expensive Whirlpool stove at Importadores Monge, it still does not work - - the store never told us about needing to do a conversion from natural gas, to LPG; the gas company (Zeta) never responded to numerous requests for a stationary tank; the gas company with which I did do business didn't tell me that we needed a pressure regulator at the cylinders; the Whirlpool technician who finally came said the problem is not with the stove, but with our connections - after spending over a hundred dollars on hoses & fittings - -
But, we have a carport, a great front porch, with a tremendous view, adequate room, and working plumbing & electric. Don't know if I'll ever be able to get any sort of internet connection (too far from a switching station, or some such)..........not happy about that......don't want SKY, 'cause I don't like their lack of U. S. football coverage.........can't get Cable of any kind.......can't afford DISH antenna, even though I brought two DISH receivers with me........oh, btw, photos of the actual construction, and the finished product are available at my Facebook page (

That's pretty much it. That's how we became legal.........but, wait......there's more......what came next, you say.........and, I will start that after breakfast.......

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