Alligators 'n Roadkill

Alligators 'n Roadkill
On The Road


Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Hobbit In Mirkwood Woods

I am happy to announce that today's post has a guest writer. I hereby proudly introduce my 13 year old grand daughter, Tristen, who attends school in Arlington, Texas, with a poem she has written based on her reading of J. R. R. Tolkien's famous classic, The Hobbit.

A Hobbit In Mirkwood Woods
Tristen A. Dungan
Nothing but pitch dark forest.
Above the trees were big, black butterflies.
But below in the pitch dark,
Was nothing but eyes, eyes, eyes.
Firelight in the pitch dark,
Cobwebs clinging to the bark,
Swords stinging spider after spider,
Dangers getting wider and wider.

Hobbit and dwarves searching for food, 
Wood-elves looking for truth. 
Who will win and who will lose 
Let's hope it's not the tree fungi's ooze.


  1. love it!!! Thanks daddy for supporting our daughter!!

  2. First, great writing Tristen! Well done. You captured the essence of the Trilogy, I hope that if you submitted that poem for class that you got a good mark.

    Second, thank you John,I have been on the Costa Rica Living site since November 2009 as we are considering moving to Costa Rica from Canada. We love the Arenal area as well as many other areas of CR.

    Thank you for starting this website. I just found it from your link on Costa Rica Living. I so agree with you, WOW! Lots of whining and complaining going on. I always wonder if retiring and having nothing to do brings out the worst in people.

    Thank you for bringing some sanity and realistic viewpoints.

    Colleen B

  3. Thanks from both of us! Glad you like the Blog. Have you tried the new forum that I very recently started -

    Retiring does seem to have affected some folks negatively, but in most of those cases, I suspect that they may well have been miserable SOB's to begin with...and, let's not forget that some of the more vocal folks on CRL are not retired, but either working stiffs (or dependents of same) or one form of PT, or another.
